Create a Company and/or Company Contact
- Click on ‘ Contacts’ on the left menu panel.
- By default, you should already be in the Companies tab, but if you’re not, click on the ‘Companies’ tab. Click on ‘Create Company’.

3. Complete the mandatory fields and click on ‘Save Company’ when finished. The company can now be found under the Companies tab in your Contacts.

4. To add more details to the Company’s profile, click on the company name and then click on ‘Edit Company Details’. You can also edit the Company’s details by clicking on the ‘Action’ icon and clicking on ‘Edit’.

4. To add more details to the Company’s profile, click on the company name and then click on ‘Edit Company Details’. You can also edit the Company’s details by clicking on the ‘Action’ icon and clicking on ‘Edit’.
Create an Individual Contact
- Click on ‘Contacts’ on the left menu panel.
- Click on the ‘Individual Contacts’ tab. Click on ‘Create Contact’.

3. Complete the mandatory fields and when finished, click on ‘Add Contact’. The individual contact is not associated with a company and can now be found under the Individual Contacts tab in your Contacts. Note: all contacts are listed under the Individual Contacts tab, even if they’re associated with a company.