Create and Publish a Template

Please note – keywords and clauses are required to create a template and should be created first.

  1. Click on ‘Templates’ on the left menu panel. Click on ‘Create Template’.

     2. Name your template and select a template tag.
          (a) To create a new template tag, click on ‘+ Template Tag’ and name your new template tag.

     3. In the blank text box, copy and paste or type out the content for your template.

     4. To add a keyword, place your cursor where you require a keyword and select the keyword from the list.

The keyword will appear within the template where you placed your cursor.

        5. To add a clause,  place your cursor where you require a clause and select the clause from the list.

The clause will appear within the template where you placed your cursor.

          6. To save your template, click on ‘Save’. This way, you can come back and complete building the template before publishing it for your team to use. 

           7.To publish the template so your workspace team can use it, click on ‘Publish’. The template is now visible to everyone in your workspace and ready to use.