Zeal’s Reporting feature offers new capabilities in contract management that have not been seen before.
Like what? How?
Zeal can revolutionize the way you analyze and gain insights from your contracts.With our robust reporting capabilities you can unlock valuable contract data to drive your business forward. To help you harness the full potential of our Reporting feature, we have created this guide to walk you through the steps of fast document tracking, creating custom reports, and extracting meaningful contract insights.
Location: Reporting can be accessed by using the left navigation panel under tools. Click on the Reporting tab to access it.
Learning the Basics:
Time Range
This feature allows you to set the time range that you want to view documents. The time range is based on the creation date of the documents.
The time range is set at “All Time”, but you can limit the time range by clicking on the “All Time” button. A list will appear where you can select a variety of time ranges from the previous day to the last 6 months. There is also a custom time range feature to select the start and end dates for the range.
Search Bar
The search bar allows you to do a quick search for a particular document or based on a general term. The search bar will look for any document in the workspace. Additionally, you will have the option to search your archived documents. Simply click the box next to “Include Archived” adjacent to the search bar.
The table will display the filters and conditions of your report. The table can be altered by adding filters or using the customize feature.
When accessing Reporting, the table will contain all documents in your workspace in the order of last updated. There will be default columns that will appear automatically. This data is retrieved in each document. Columns inside the table can be sorted using alphanumeric or for dates most recent to oldest.
As you add filters into the table, new columns with data sets will be added in the table related to each document. The table will expand as you add filters and a scroll bar will appear for easy navigation.
Along the top of the table there are various filters to customize your reports. By clicking on a filter you can select a specific parameter within that filter to display in your report. A type search at the top of each filter has been added for quick navigation. To select a filter, click the check box next to each parameter to add it into the report.
The Customize feature allows you to control which filters are displayed in the table. Click on the “Customize” button and a side panel will open to the right. In the panel there is a list of each column. Click the check box next to each column name to display that column in the table.
Create Filter
Creating a filter allows you to save your customized reports. If you like the filters you create with a report you can save it for quick access later. To save the filters of a report, click the “Create Filter” button. A pop-up will allow you to name the newly created filter. Enter a name for your filter and save.
Once you save your first custom filter you will be able to access a new list next to create a filter. You can click on any saved filter to access the saved parameters. If you would like to add new conditions to the report, add or remove filters and click “Update Filter” on the top right. The new conditions will be added to your customized filter.
Export to CSV
At any moment you may export your report to a CSV file. On the top right corner, there is a purple button called “Export to CSV”. Click the button to download the report to CSV. The downloaded CSV will be based on the table view when it was downloaded.